09-07-2020 donderdag 9 juli 2020

Subject: Information on Summer School 2020

Dear Students, Dear parents / guardians,

Because of the corona measures many lessons were canceled these last months.To make up for the lost time we organize a SUMMERSCHOOL for ALL students.

What are we going to do during SUMMERSCHOOL?

During SUMMER SCHOOL you will receive a program of 2 x 4 hours. During this program you will develop your listening / speaking skills, so that you can further increase your knowledge of the Dutch language.

SUMMERSCHOOL is a good preparation for the start of the school year or the start of the further education that you will follow.

Where and When does SUMMERSCHOOL take place?

SUMMER SCHOOL takes place at the NOVO COLLEGE in the week of August 17-21. The days on which SUMMER SCHOOL will take place will be announced later.

How can I register?

Do you want to join? Awesome!! Just sent your mentor a message.

We wish everyone two educational and beautiful SUMMERSCHOOL days.

On behalf of the NOVO college team, Mrs. B. Kroon (tel. No. 06 54254111)

On behalf of the organization, available for further information, Mr. Roede (tel. No. 06 36446647)