Coronavirus update (April 15): Schools may be (partially) open again after the May holidays
15-04-2020woensdag 15 april 2020
Coronavirus update (April 15): Schools may be (partially) open again after the May holidays
It now seems that the schools may reopen after the May holidays, whether or not in an adapted form. School is now investigating the best possible option. Once again, the guidelines of the government are decisive and guiding.
Should the government indeed decide to reopen the schools, the school will need the first week after the May holiday (Wednesday 6 May - Friday 8 May) to organize this in a correct and safe manner.
This means that classes will start again from Monday 11 May. In the week of Monday 4 May, school for pupils will only be open on Thursday 7 May, between 10 a.m. and noon. On this day the homework you have made can be handed in again and the new homework can be picked up.
Keep an eye on this website for the latest news about a possible opening of the school.